In today’s rapidly evolving world of scientific inquiry, the foundation of academic integrity is paramount to the pursuit of knowledge and the betterment of society. I am committed to upholding the highest standards of ethics and transparency in all my academic endeavors, and to fervently opposing behaviors that erode the fabric of our research community.

Experimental Methodology

To ensure robust and reliable studies, my experimental research undertakes essential steps, including formulating clear hypotheses, designing appropriate methods, and crafting comprehensive analysis plans well before collecting data. Establishing these analysis protocols beforehand reduces the likelihood of data-driven decisions or post hoc analyses, which could introduce biases or cherry-picking of results. I carry analysis plans to ensure transparency, objectivity, and reproducibility 

Data Sharing

All material for my studies can be found on the LABEL GitHub repository after publication. Data sharing promotes transparency and openness.

Human Subjects

All my studies are reviewed by the USC IRB

Intellectual property and authorship

Authorship proliferation has become a significant concern across various domains. Specifically, it hinders the accurate recognition of intellectual contributions in academic environments where we merely count publications. I comply with the guidelines of the ICMJE, which state that an author is someone who (1) has actively participated in all aspects of a work’s creation, including making substantial contributions to the conception or design, acquiring and analyzing data and drafting the work and (2) has provided critical intellectual content. Additionally, (3) authors must give final approval for the version to be published and (4) agree to be accountable for the work’s entirety, ensuring that any questions regarding its accuracy or integrity are properly addressed.

Contributors who do not meet all these criteria should not be listed as authors but should still be acknowledged. These contributors are typically individuals who have provided technical help, writing assistance, or short-term research support. 

These principles apply equally to me, my co-authors and all students who work on my projects as RAs, Predocs, Phds, Postdocs, or undergraduate advisees. Participating in a project does not grant authorship benefit. 

Code of conduct

I categorically condemn behaviors that perpetuate toxicity within the economics community. I side against those who promote inequities for their own interests, those who place politics above science, and those who oppose anyone who aim to make our profession a better place. 

I also side against Econ Job Market Rumors (EJMR), an anonymous online forum that provides an unrestricted platform for unfounded rumors, personal attacks, and derogatory comments about economists and academic institutions. I side with those who believe that the lack of accountability and transparency on EJMR undermines the integrity of academia and tarnishes the reputation of individuals without due process.

Research and Society

I firmly believe that the primary objective of research is to contribute to knowledge that fosters the advancement of society. Our commitment to conducting rigorous research drives us to identify and implement effective strategies that promote economic inclusion and cultivate a more equitable and just society for everyone. By delving into the complexities of various factors influencing life outcomes, our ultimate goal is to drive positive change and enhance the lives of individuals from diverse backgrounds.