

Scientific PublicaTions


  1. “The neural correlates of value representation: from single items to bundles”, Human Brain Mapping, 44(4), 1476-1495, 2023 (with K. Zyuzin, D. Combs and J. Monterosso). PDF 
  2. “Adverse Selection and Contingent Reasoning in Preadolescents and Teenagers”, Games and Economic Behavior, 133, 331-351, 2022 (with J. Carrillo). PDF 
  3. “The development of randomization and deceptive behavior in mixed strategy games”, Quantitative Economics13(2), 825-862, 2022 (with J. Carrillo) PDF
  4. “Value computation and modulation: a neuroeconomic theory of self-control as constrained optimization”,  Journal of Economic Theory, 198, 105366, 2021 (with J. Carrillo). PDF 
  5. “Self-serving, altruistic and spiteful lying in the schoolyard”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,187, 159-175, 2021(with J. Carrillo). PDF
  6. “Steps of reasoning in children and adolescents”,  Journal of Political Economy, 129 (7), 2067-2111, 2021 (with J. Carrillo). PDF
  7. “Shaming as an incentive mechanism against stealing: behavioral and physiological evidence”, Journal of Public Economics, 194, 104351, 2021 (with J. Carrillo and M. Montgomery).PDF
  8. “Young children use commodities as an indirect medium of exchange”,Games and Economic Behavior, 125, 48-61, 2021 (with J. Carrillo).  PDF
  9. “The development of social strategic ignorance and other regarding behavior from childhood to adulthood”, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 85, 101524, 2020 (with J. Carrillo). PDF
  10. “Studying decision-making in children: challenges and opportunities”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 179, 777-783, 2020 (with J. Carrillo). PDF
  11. “The evolution of choice and learning in the two-person beauty contest game from kindergarten to adulthood”, Games and Economic Behavior, 120, 132-143, 2020 (with J. Carrillo). PDF
  12. “The development of consistent decision-making across economic domains”, Games and Economic Behavior, 116, 217-240, 2019 (with J. Carrillo, D. Combs and N. Kodaverdian). PDF
  13. “Consistency in Simple vs. Complex Choices over the Life Cycle”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 157, 580-601, 2019 (with J. Carrillo, D. Combs and N. Kodaverdian). PDF
  14. “Risk Aversion in a Dynamic Asset Allocation Experiment”, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 54(5), 2209-2232, 2019 (with J. Carrillo, A. Giga and F. Zapatero). PDF
  15.  “Iterative dominance in young children: experimental evidence in simple two-person games”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 179, 623-637, 2020 (with J. Carrillo). PDF
  16. “Heuristic to Bayesian: the Evolution of Reasoning from Childhood to Adulthood”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 159, 305-322, 2019 (with J. Barash, J. Carrillo and N. Kodaverdian). PDF
  17. “A Neuroeconomic Theory of (Dis)honesty”, Journal of Economic Psychology, 71, 4-12, 2019 (with J. Carrillo). PDF
  18. “A Neuroeconomic Theory of Mental Time Travel”, Frontiers in Neuroscience, section Perception Science, 12, 2018 (with J. Carrillo). PDF
  19. “The Path to Equilibrium in Sequential and Simultaneous Games: a Mousetracking Study”, Journal of Economic Theory, 178, 246-274, 2018 (with J. Carrillo and A. Sachdeva). PDF
  20. “How long is a minute?”, Games and Economic Behavior, 111, 305-322, 2018 (with J. Carrillo and J. Tarraso). PDF
  21. “The Determinants of Strategic Thinking in Preschool Children”, PLOS One, 13(5), 2018 (with J. Carrillo). PDF
  22. “Sequential Auctions with Capacity Constraints: an Experimental Investigation”, Games, 9(1), 15, 2018 (with J. Carrillo and F.J. Otamendi). PDF
  23. “Self awareness in time perception”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 148, 1-19, 2018 (with J. Carrillo and J. Tarraso). PDF
  24. “Stress induces contextual blindness in lotteries and coordination games”, Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 11, 2017 (with, J. Carrillo and R. Kendall). PDF
  25. “Second-price common value auctions with uncertainty, private and public information: experimental evidence”, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 67, 28-40, 2017 (with J. Carrillo and M. Castro). PDF
  26. “A Neuroeconomic Theory of Memory Retrieval”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 130, 198-205, 2016 (with J. Carrillo). PDF
  27. “The nature of information and its effect on bidding behavior: laboratory evidence in a first-price common value auction”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 109, 26-40, 2015 (with J. Carrillo and M. Castro). PDF
  28. “Imperfect Choice or Imperfect Attention? Understanding Strategic Thinking in Private Information Games”, Review of Economic Studies, 81, 944-970, 2014 (with C. Camerer, J. Carrillo and S. Wang). PDF
  29. “Resource allocation in the brain”, Review of Economic Studies, 81(2), 501-534, 2014. (with R. Alonso and J. Carrillo). PDF
  30. “Countervailing incentives in allocation mechanisms with type-dependent externalities”, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 50, 22-33, 2014. PDF
  31. “Dual-process theories of decision-making: a selective survey”, Journal of Economic Psychology, 41, 45-54, 2014 (with J. Carrillo). PDF
  32. “Selling an asset to a competitor”, European Economic Review, 57, 39-62, 2013. PDF
  33. “Optimal allocation mechanisms with type-dependent negative externalities”, Theory and Decision, 75(3), 359-387, 2013. PDF
  34. “The neurobiology of opinions: can judges and juries be impartial?”, Southern California Law Review, 86, 421-448, 2013 (with J. Carrillo). PDF
  35. “Information processing and decision-making: evidence from the brain sciences and implications for Economics”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 83(3), 292-310, 2012. PDF
  36. “From perception to action: an economic model of brain processes”, Games and Economic Behavior, 75(1), 81-103, 2012 (with J. Carrillo). PDF
  37. “Information gatekeepers: theory and experimental evidence”, Economic Theory, 51(3), 649-676, 2012 (with J. Carrillo and T. Palfrey). PDF
  38. “Dynamic inconsistency and choice”, Theory and Decision, 71(3), 343-364, 2011. PDF
  39. “Information acquisition and choice under uncertainty”, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 18(2), 423-455, 2009 (with J. Carrillo). PDF
  40. “Theories of the mind”, American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 98(2), 175-80, 2008 (with J. Carrillo). PDF
  41. “The brain as a hierarchical organization”, American Economic Review, 98(4), 1312-1346, 2008 (with J. Carrillo). PDF
  42. “Optimal choice of characteristics for a non-excludable good”, RAND Journal of Economics, 39(1), 283-304, 2008. PDF
  43. “Influence through ignorance”, RAND Journal of Economics, 38(4), 931-947, 2007 (with J. Carrillo). PDF
  44. “Designing auctions in R&D: optimal licensing of an innovation”, Topics in Economic Analysis & Policy, 6(1), Article 11, 2006. PDF
  45. “Regulation under asymmetric information in water utilities”, American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 96(2), 62-66, 2006 (with K. Chan and I. Perrigne). PDF
  46. “Multi-stage contracting with applications to R&D and insurance policies”, Journal of Public Economic Theory, 7(2), 317-346, 2005. PDF
  47. “A theory of haste” (lead article), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 56(1), 1-23, 2005 (with J. Carrillo). PDF
  48. “Entrepreneurial boldness and excessive investment”, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 13, 321-50, 2004 (with J. Carrillo). PDF
  49. “Optimal regulation of cooperative R&D under incomplete information”, Journal of Industrial Economics, 52(1), 81-119, 2004. PDF
  50. “Do the ‘three-point victory’ and ‘golden goal’ rules make soccer more exciting?”,
    Journal of Sports Economics, 5, 169-185, 2004 (with J. Carrillo). Reviewed in The New Scientist, April 13, 2002). PDF
  51. “Endogenous entry in auctions with negative externalities”, Theory and Decision, 54(2), 125-149, 2003. PDF
  52. “Vertical integration and incentives to innovate” (lead article), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 21(4), 457-488, 2003. PDF
  53. “Les enjeux de la règlementation de la recherche et développement”, Revue d’Economie Politique, 113(1), 125-148, 2003.
  54. “Rush and procrastination under hyperbolic discounting and interdependent activities”, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 22(2), 141-164, 2001 (with J. Carrillo). PDF
  55. “The value of information when preferences are dynamically inconsistent”, European Economic Review, 44, 1104-1115, 2000 (with J. Carrillo). PDF

Contributions to Collective Volumes

  • “Information and self-control”, in I. Brocas and J. Carrillo eds, The Psychology of Economic Decisions. Vol. 1: Rationality and Well-being, 2003, Oxford University Press.
  • “Commitment devices under self-control problems: a review”, with J. Carrillo and M. Dewatripont, in I. Brocas and J. Carrillo eds, The Psychology of Economic Decisions. Vol. 2: Reasons and Choices, 2004, Oxford University Press.


Volumes Edited & Books

  • The Psychology of Economic Decisions. Vol. 1: Rationality and Well-being, with Juan Carrillo, 2003, Oxford University Press. (reviewed in the Journal of Socio-Economics, 32, 711-720 (2003); Economica, 71, 321-322 (May 2004); the Journal of Economic Psychology, 26, 151-154, (2005); Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 58, 444-447, (2005).)
  • The Psychology of Economic Decisions. Vol. 2: Reasons and Choices, with Juan Carrillo, 2004, Oxford University Press.
  • Workbook to Accompany “Political Economics: explaining Economic Policy” (by T. Persson and G. Tabellini), with Micael Castanheira, Ronny Razin and David Stromberg, 2000, MIT Press.